
Facing The Need To Cut Some Spending, the Defense Minister Says More Must Be Spent On ‘Right Things’

Defence Minister Bill Blair says that even though the Canadian military already faces millions of dollars in budget cuts, more money must still be spent in strategic areas to increase military capability and readiness.

Blair stated that the federal government would direct any budget cuts away from programs like training, weapons platforms, and ammunition and equipment in an interview that aired on Rosemary Barton Live on Sunday.

Blair said, “We need to spend more on the right things,” to Rosemary Barton, chief political correspondent for CBC.

A revised fiscal outlook for Canada, together with the government’s proposed tax expenditures, will be presented to the public this week in the form of a fall economic statement.

However, the government had intended to reduce the Department of National Defense’s budget by almost $210 million, according to a federal spending assessment that was made public earlier this month.

Blair declared that the government would keep providing the military with the funding required to fulfill its obligations, including those to NATO and NORAD.

“However, since we are using taxpayer money, it is our responsibility to ensure that our procedures are effective. Thus, we’re examining the amount of money spent on professional services, consulting, and even items like executive travel, some of which are necessary but not all of which are,” he stated.

Speaking to Barton from the margins of the Halifax International Security Forum, where delegates from around the world have convened to discuss the most urgent defense and security concerns, was the minister of defense. Blair also used the occasion to declare a new $188 million training center opening for CFB Halifax.

Blair stated, “With the changing threat environment… it is obvious that we need to do more,” mentioning emerging dangers like cybersecurity and space defense.


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